How I love this race, but truthfully run-races scare me. It's like running with gazelles. They're just a different breed. The thing I love is that the competition drives you to be your fastest on that course.
But yesterday leaves me with some homework to do. Got to fix the pacing problem that I have.
Plan was to start out mellow and build into the race and finish off with a negative split. I started out slowly allright, but apparently my legs love the longer distance pace, and want to stay there. So there was no picking up the pace or no negative split at all. I was ready to run, eager to go hurt, but the legs just said 'we love this pace you train us at and we stay here'. And that was that. Trying to find another gear was no use. The legs just wanted to hang out in the 4min/km zone. I guess I have them well trained for that. Firing up the pace was causing leg carnage big time - especially on the long uphill in waaslandtunnel!
When all was said and done I was stoked to pb by over 15 minutes!! 335th place in 1.05.17 for the tunnels in tunnels out race isn't bad after all! Must be my start was not as mellow as I had planned it...
Pretty good time Bart. Hills are very good for changing pace - hard to find hills in Antwerp.