vrijdag 29 mei 2009

training weekend

4 days in the ardennes

zaterdag 16 mei 2009

teasing the legs

Saturday before the race:
Teasing the legs in a short ride
teasing the legs in a short run
teasing tha arms & legs in a short swim
then ly with the feet high and load them carbo's

donderdag 7 mei 2009

evening run

One week to go before the first long distance race, and nearing the end of a big block of training.
This evening I set out for my usual Thursday long run. Empty the head and watch the world go by!

dinsdag 5 mei 2009

swimming in busy lanes

For the last few weeks I’ve been swimming…a lot! With this, I’ve learned a few tips when swimming with a handful of lane swimmers and non-lane swimmers alike!

Tip #1: If you want to feel like you’re going fast, swim in the recreational lane and weave in/out of the bobbers (aka breast-stroke swimmers with a belt on)!

Tip #2: If your lane is right beside the ‘play’ area for kids and you find kids swimming/playing with your lane rope, grab one of those dangling legs as you swim past. You’ll go much faster, even for just an instant! And your next lap will be free of obstacles!

Tip #3: Don’t pull on your swim cap too much…it splits in two!

Tip #4: If you’re swimming with 6-8 swimmers in one lane and you’re all swimming at different speeds, pick your time to start your intervals. Give yourself a whole lane length between the next swimmer. If this isn’t possible, try Tip #2.

Tip #5: Swimming HURTS. Remember this for every stroke.

maandag 4 mei 2009


Kampenhout, on the way between Antwerp and Leuven!

zaterdag 2 mei 2009

long ride

the plan: the knooppunt route sticking on the top tube

underway 1: monument for the victims of the 1953 inundation

underway2: all of a sudden the road 'ends' into the water

done - another bail of hay in the barn!